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Definition of MVP in NBA

Wednesday, April 2, 2008 by Alan son

Whatever talking about MVP, immedately come to my mind is that terrible statistics. However, in fact, it is not the truth. A powerful example is that last two year, Kobe get 81 point in a game ,what a terrible score in the NBA and get the scoring champion. Finally, he can't get the MVP.

Then,what is the real definition of MVP ? For me, not only the terrible statistics is needed, but also the way you play can absolutely help your team and make your team improve. MVP stand for most valuable player. I think the key word is valuable. How can you determine the thing is valuable.

In the business world, say, there are not only one factors to determine the value, for example, duration, usage, the demand and supply. It may not be the exact factors for MVP, but we all know that NBA is more become a business world. We should try to use similar method to determine the value of a player.

Now, i am trying to use my view to talk about that.

First, basketball is the game of team,not individual. Therefore, MVP must make their team do better. A very easy way to determine that is to consider the performance of a team whether he is in the floor or out of the floor. Now, there is such data in NBA like +/-. I think this is a good data to consider the effect of the player of a team in certain standard. Moreover, he make the team better in some sense mean that he make his teammates better. Then, he is the valuable player for his team and teammates.
Secondly, as i mentioned before, NBA is a business. Therefore, MVP should really give the team really value.(money$$$...haha). If he can not help their team earn money, he will not be a MVP for me. My stad point is that every team manager like player who can earn money as much as possible for the team. If MVP can not earn money for a team, he may not the MVP for the manager of the team!!!!!!!!

Thirldly, the most important one is the audience, for the audience view, valuable player should play fantastic basketball, making the memoriable and amazing moment for the audience. Nobody like to watch a bring game i think.

In conclusion, MVP should be valuable for all aspect, namely, team, teammates, manager and audience.

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