All of you, long time no see, i have already finished my school exam. Therefore, i am going to write my blog and share my view with. you. Hope that all of you will share your precious opinion with me. Thank you very much!!!
NBA eight scenarios for tomorrow game!!!!!!!!
It is a exciting year,especially for the western.
Tomorrow is the last day of the season of 2008.
The playoff candidiate is confirmed.
However, the match up of the playoff are not exactly confirm.
Tomorrow, there are eight possible situation in Western Conference.
It is terrible.
see this below!!!
Jazz: Eight playoff scenarios
Here are the Jazz's possible playoff scenarios, with the respective records each team would be left with and the explanation of tiebreakers. This is assuming New Orleans wins one of its final two games. IF JAZZ WIN WEDNESDAY AND ...
Houston wins, Phoenix wins
Records: Jazz 55-27, Phoenix 55-27, Houston 55-27, San Antonio 55-27. Tiebreakers: This is the much-discussed four-team tie. According to the NBA office, the tie is broken first by removing the Jazz, who are guaranteed a top four seed as the Northwest Division champions. Then you do a three-way head-to-head tiebreaker with the games the Rockets, Suns and Spurs have played against each other. Phoenix is 5-3, Houston is 4-4 and San Antonio is 3-5. The Suns and Jazz then are part of a tiebreaker to determine the Nos. 3 and 4 seeds. The Jazz own the season series with Phoenix so they are third, the Suns fourth, the Rockets fifth and the Spurs sixth. NBA spokesman Tim Frank confirmed this Monday. Jazz would play: San Antonio with home-court advantage
Houston loses, Phoenix wins Records: Jazz 55-27, Phoenix 55-27, San Antonio 55-27, Houston 54-28 Tiebreakers: Phoenix won the season series against San Antonio so they would be the
top four seed. The Jazz own the tiebreaker against the Suns, so they are third again, the Suns fourth, the Spurs fifth and the Rockets sixth. Jazz would play: Houston with home-court advantage
Houston loses, Phoenix loses Records: Jazz 55-27, San Antonio 55-27, Houston 54-28, Phoenix 54-28 Tiebreakers: The Jazz would own the season series against the Spurs while Houston would have a better conference record than Phoenix. That would leave the Jazz third, Spurs fourth, Rockets fifth and Suns sixth. Jazz would play: Phoenix with home-court advantage
IF JAZZ LOSE WEDNESDAY AND ... (Keep in mind the Jazz are guaranteed no worse than a No. 4 seed as the Northwest Division champion)
Houston wins, Phoenix wins Records: San Antonio 56-26, Jazz 54-28, Houston 55-27, Phoenix 55-27 Tiebreakers: The Spurs are the third seed (also could be New Orleans), the Jazz are fourth and the Rockets fifth thanks to their conference record over the Suns. Jazz would play: Houston without home-court advantage
Houston loses, Phoenix wins Records: San Antonio 56-26, Jazz 54-28, Phoenix 55-27, Houston 54-28 Tiebreakers: None needed. Jazz would play: Phoenix without home-court advantage
Houston wins, Phoenix loses Records: San Antonio 56-26, Jazz 54-28, Houston 55-27, Phoenix 54-28 Tiebreakers: None needed. Jazz would play: Houston without home-court advantage
Houston loses, Phoenix loses Records: San Antonio 56-26, Jazz 54-28, Houston 54-28, Phoenix 54-28 Tiebreakers: The Rockets would be the fifth seed again thanks to their conference record over the Suns. The Jazz would have home-court advantage against the Rockets after winning the season series Jazz would play: Houston with home-court advantage
It is just for the Jazz,how about the Laker and other team??
Therefore, you can see this fact.
Never do i see a season like this!!!!!!
This year is exciting.
After the confirmation of the playoff matchup,
i will try to talk about this!!!
Chris Paul or Williams?(NBA)
After today game, Jazz vs New Orleana, some people may compare two players,Chris Paul and William. In fact, Jazz take the game in the road( Jazz is strong for home game.)

The Conference champion equal to the MVP in NBA?
As the NBA season is being finished. Many people recentlt will talking about the NBA award this year. I think the most striking award is the MVP award. There are many debates on this. Some people saying that there are four guy has the great opportunity to get the MVP award. They are James in Cleveland, Garnett in Boston, Kobe in Lakers, Paul in New Orleana.
However, for me, there are only two candidates have the huge chance to get this award. They are Kobe and Paul. Why?
For James, although he is likely to be the scoring champion and has great statistics. However, his team only can get about 42 wins now. As the main consideration of MVP(My post "definition of MVP"has talked about that) is statistic and the teamrecord. I think James is insatisfied to get this award this year.
For Garnett, Despite the fact that Boston has the best record of the NBA, but the point is that 18.9points 9.4reb 3.5ass is not a standing out fiqure. Therefore, Garnett is unlikely to get MVP this year.
For Kobe and Paul, they all have good statistic and good team record. Then, how can judge who can get the MVP. I think the main point is which team can get the champion of Western Conference, Laker or New Orleana. Now, New Orleana is the top of the Western Conference.
There are several games leave for the season. Laker is behind the New Orleana about 1.5 games.
I think Laker and Kobe will try their best to get the remaining games. Then, one of the most exciting game this season may be the game nest week, Laker vs New orleana. Do you think so?
The NBA playoff candidate-East
After today games, there are seven team out of eight team getting the playoff ticket in eastern.They are Boston, Detroit,Orlando,Cleveland,Washiongton,Philadelphia and Toronto
I think it is no doubt that the last ticket will be got by Altanta. See the below fiqure.
8.Althanta W 36 L41 PCT 0.468
9.Indiana W 32 L44 PCT 0.421
10New Jersey W32 L45 PCT 0.416
It is difficlut for Indiana and New Jersey get wins streak and Althanta get loses streak for the leaving games. Therefore, it is no doubt that Althata will go to playoff.
Now, apart from Althanta ,the main purpose for the Eastern team is that they try to aviod to get seventh in the Eastern. It is because they try to aviod facing Detroit at the first round.
Undoubtdly , Detroit is a strong team and their defense is terrible. In addition, their playoff experience and strong bench also scary. In the coming week, I think Washiongton,Philadelphia and Toronto will try their best although their get the playoff ticket.
I am looking for which team will facing Detroit in the first round!!!!!!
Looking forward to the Bynum back to Laker(NBA)!!!!
After today 112-108 with Dallas game, Laker has the playoff ticket at this moment. They will probably face Nuggest,Dallas or Golden in playoff.Seeing that the power after Pau Gosal come. I guess they probably can go to the 2nd round using this lineup. However, can they getting wins against the Western team even getting the champion? I think the main factor is Bynum!!!
With the stable contribution of Kobe and Gosal, it is not difficult to imagine that they will play well in playoff. Why i am saying that Bynum is the main factor? I watch every Laker games recentlt. The main problem of them is their defense. The point is that they are lacking in a Big man to protecting their zone. Some people may claim that Gasol is a big man but i think he is not a pure Centre and he is not strong enough. For example, in today game, it is hard for him to matchup Dampier. I strongly believe that it is a different story if Bynum is here. Therefore, Bynum is important for Lakers. He is talented and skillful.
i heard that Bynum may back in the nest week. I am looking forward to his performance and hope that he can work in the New Laker system.
Let look at this Young Guy!!!!
Will Yao back to his team in NBA playoff?
NBA is going to exciting this moment!!!
As the strong Western conference of NBA, although there are about 9 games left, NBA is become very exciting this moment. Many team will try to do their best to go to the playoff. This is a great moment every year. I will say that this is interesting and amazing especially for this year.
Never do i see a team have over 60 % winning % can not go to the playoff. However, this year, let take a look in the standing page of You will totally the story. Amazing game is coming.
The day of All star return of NBA
Today, there is a funny tend in the NBA. This is the All star return to their team to play the game. They are Arenas , Brand , Nowitzki , Gasol , Kirilenko etc.....It is very funny. It is also very important for several team especially for DALLAS and LA. This is because they are all winning the game. Moreover, they are working hard for their playoff. Dallas is at the seventh of the western and Laker is at third of the western of NBA. keep going!!!!!!
One of the NBA All star Arenas
Today, Arenas return to the NBA game against Bucks. Arenas plays in the bench and plays about 20 minutes. Unfortunately, they lost the game. Then, i think many guys may say that Arenas is useless because he can not lead the team win in the NBA.
For this statement, i am not totally agree. In fact, WIZARDS plays very well without Arenas. However, i think it is not because Atenas is not a good player. This is because the chemical reaction. Arenas ,undoubtedly,is a good scorer and he can get many points in a game. He is one of the guy can challenge the NBA scorer champion. In the case of WIZARDS, they also have some good scorer like Butler, Jamison to replace Arenas's position.They are both NBA all star players. Then, this situarion may make Arenas not nescessary for his team or even redundant for his team.
In conclusion, Arenas may be not situable to stay in WIZARDS. Going to other team to continue your career in NBA, Arenas.
Definition of MVP in NBA
Whatever talking about MVP, immedately come to my mind is that terrible statistics. However, in fact, it is not the truth. A powerful example is that last two year, Kobe get 81 point in a game ,what a terrible score in the NBA and get the scoring champion. Finally, he can't get the MVP.
Then,what is the real definition of MVP ? For me, not only the terrible statistics is needed, but also the way you play can absolutely help your team and make your team improve. MVP stand for most valuable player. I think the key word is valuable. How can you determine the thing is valuable.
In the business world, say, there are not only one factors to determine the value, for example, duration, usage, the demand and supply. It may not be the exact factors for MVP, but we all know that NBA is more become a business world. We should try to use similar method to determine the value of a player.
Now, i am trying to use my view to talk about that.
First, basketball is the game of team,not individual. Therefore, MVP must make their team do better. A very easy way to determine that is to consider the performance of a team whether he is in the floor or out of the floor. Now, there is such data in NBA like +/-. I think this is a good data to consider the effect of the player of a team in certain standard. Moreover, he make the team better in some sense mean that he make his teammates better. Then, he is the valuable player for his team and teammates.
Secondly, as i mentioned before, NBA is a business. Therefore, MVP should really give the team really value.(money$$$...haha). If he can not help their team earn money, he will not be a MVP for me. My stad point is that every team manager like player who can earn money as much as possible for the team. If MVP can not earn money for a team, he may not the MVP for the manager of the team!!!!!!!!
Thirldly, the most important one is the audience, for the audience view, valuable player should play fantastic basketball, making the memoriable and amazing moment for the audience. Nobody like to watch a bring game i think.
In conclusion, MVP should be valuable for all aspect, namely, team, teammates, manager and audience.
The Five Steps to Becoming a Great Basketball Shooter
Shooting a basketball, like any other skill can be learned and improved with practice. No one is born as a great shooter, all of the great shooters have put in hours and hours of correct practice. It does not do very much good to practice the wrong way. Additionally, mental toughness is essential to being a great shooter. Developing mental toughness is discussed in another section of our site. I believe that there are five stages to becoming a great shooter. In this article, I will mention all five stages of the shooting progression, but only expand on the first stage. Stages 2-5 will be covered in subsequent articles.
1. The first stage is learning the correct fundamentals of holding the ball, and then delivering the shot. Your shooting hand should be set across the seams of the basketball. The index finger of your shooting hand should be placed in the middle of the ball--you should use the air valve as a guide. Your guide hand should be placed on the side of the ball. Point all ten of your toes to the rim-with your shooting foot pointed at the center of the basket and your other foot slightly off center. When you jump, push toward the basket. You should land six inches closer to the basket with your toes still pointing to the rim and your feet in the same position and the same distance apart as when you started. When you release the ball, the ball should spin or rotate backwards off your fingers and that backspin rotation should continue as the ball is in the air toward the goals. The guide hand does not move on its own and only opens up slightly as the ball is pushed to the basket by the shooting hand. After you release the ball, hold a high goose neck follow through as if you were putting your hand in basket with ball. Your eyes should be focused on the nearest eyelet on the basket and your eyes should stay on that eyelet target. You should not watch the flight of the ball! The best drills to practice these fundamentals are shooting on a line and rim flips.
In shooting on a line, you line yourself up on one of the lines on the basketball court. Shoot the ball as if you were shooting at the basket and allow it to land. If the ball lands on the line, mission accomplished! Now do it again and again until you know that you are shooting the ball straight. When doing the rim flips drill, Stand an arms length directly in front of the rim. Set the ball for the normal shot and then take the balance hand away. The entire focus of the drill is on correct shooting fundamentals. Shooting with one hand helps to work on shooting the ball straight and concentrating on the backspin rotation of the ball. This drill is to work on technique, foot position, and body alignment and not to simulate anything close to game speed. Rim flips are solely for refining and maintaining technique and form. Go, SLOW. SLOW. SLOW!! The initial stage of the drill does not involve jumping. Think of it as a short free throw--with one hand. After making 10 in a row without hitting the rim, the shooter moves back two steps. After moving back two steps, place the guide hand on the ball, but use the exact same technique as before with the shooting hand. Once you can make 10 in a row, move back another two steps and work to make another 10 in a row.
Eventually, you will jump toward the basket and land six inches closer just like you were taking a shot in a game. Work on the landing in all three phases of the rim flips drill. For more information on foot positioning and landing, go to our correct shooting fundamentals page.
2. Stage Number 2 is repetition shots with no pressure and no movement. Concentrate on the fundamentals from stage one. Clap and ready hands to catch the ball. These shots should be 12-15 feet or whatever distance is a comfortable distance for you. In this stage you will combine proper mechanics from stage #1 above with getting the ball straight. Your aim if you do miss is to never miss to the right, to the left, or short. Get the ball straight and up over the front of the rim and if you have to miss, miss on the back of the rim. The shooting on a line drill helps you to work on getting the ball straight.
3. The third part in the progression is moving at a game pace in ways that occur in a 5/5 game to get a shot. The most effective way to master stage #3 is by having an organized individual development workout plan that is designed for the areas you want to improve--and then you must have the dedication to stick to your plan. The most important time to be dedicated is when you don't want to be.
4. Stage #4 Shooting with pressure produced by time, performance goals, or one defender.
5. Stage #5 Being able to make shots in a 5/5 scrimmage. You must shoot the shots that you have been practicing in your individual development workouts and plan your workouts so that you are practicing the shots that you get in games.
There it is. Details of the first step in the five step shooting progression . Be sure to watch for the articles that cover steps 2-5. While you are waiting, whether you are a player, or a coach, get to work on rim flips!
The Coaching Toolbox is a resource site for basketball coaches and players of all levels. Brian Williams is a former high school coach with over 20 years of experience at various levels. The site is just getting our site off the ground, so we hope that you will visit us and continue to stay and grow with us as well!
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How to get rid of obesity -sport!!!!
Nowaday, people think that slim is the most beauitiful, especially for girl. Therefore, more and more people want to find many methods in order to lose their weight. I have heard that some people even put a insest in their stomach so as to lose their weight. It is horrible.
From my point of view, the most useful way to get rid of obesity is swimming, no doubt about that. Amount all sport, swimming may have the best impact to the human body, except body-wide movement, but also has the physical therapy and relieves the pressure the effect. The swimming also may change the physique, for example allergic rhinitis and bronchial asthma may be reduced the symptom by long-term swimming.Moving in the water , the muscle also has the great effect.
Ina nutshell, swimming is useful for people to get slim because it focus on whole body movement and it also has many benefit for us. In fact, i think the most important thing to implement this effect is to swim in a suitable way. Next time, i will talk about how to swim suitably for beginner.
Ballet-All Tchaikoske
In my opinion, the Grand Pas de Deux from The Sleeping Beauty is fair. Also, I think the set can have an improvement. May be this is because it is not a real ballet with story and there are different theme.
John Meehan, the artistic director of the Hong Kong Ballet created Pas de Quatre from Swan Lake Act 1 by himself. However, it is different from the traditional pas de trois in Act 1 of Swan Lake, there is another dancing role for a male added. So, it becomes pas de quatre. I love the music as it is lilting Andante and the partnering steps are also good.
Finally, is The Way Alone. Personally, I don't like this act much. The ballet begins and ends with choral music giving it a slightly sacred feel and attracting me. But I think the middle part is a bit boring and I cannot get what is it talking about.
Today Game LAL VS WAS
I have seen the game already.
The Laker win in OT situation. 126-120
The win is edge.
I discover a funny trend for the LAL.
It is that when every team encounter them, they will have a guy come out,like Young (today),career high.
I think the main problem is that their defense is not very good.
I think if LAL is aiming to the champion, their defense should be more solid.
It is the fact that many people said that offense is attractive but defense is for champion.
I totally agree with this statement.
NBA history 2
From 1971 to 1972 the ball season, the participative troop increased to ten seven rows, NBA was four contest areas plays a match in this ball season the sports match expansion (the Pacific Ocean area, Atlantic area, midcontinental region, China and the West area), namely the nowadays contest area form, what a pity the attraction still is unable movement NFL which most received with at that time other two items welcome (National Football League) the American soccer alliance and MLB (Major League Baseball) the American professional baseball big alliance compares.
The basketball association merge, the partial ABA team changes to NBA place, after this act also lucky day NBA league tournament brings the vitality; To eight ten ages, Los Angeles lake person's magic Zhuang Xun and Boston Sehrt human's bird Boott braved to push to NBA a high tide, the lake people and the Sehrt person stimulates in eight ten age struggles for hegemony the quiet many time NBA atmosphere.In 1989, because FIBA (International Basketball Federation) the international basketball association votes through the NBA player may attend the international sports event on behalf of US, the NBA upsurge further advances to the world.
In 1992 Busser took the Olympic Games prosperously, American Basketball Association sends out over the years the strongest illusion combination to go to battle, a crowd of top ball game star won the Olympic Games gold medal by the overwhelming basketball technology, the NBA tornado is all the rage the world, and pushed to the top basketball movement upsurge the high point.
Nine ten ages, under the illusion team high temperature upsurge, at that time were in addition high by the rice.
The jordan leads not merely the Chicago bull is in the crest, NBA domestic threatens the American football and the baseball status in US, also raises NBA in world each place to be frantic, NBA this name has become the basketball the highest symbol.
But NBA also becomes even more commercialization, in 1995 joined two Canadian teams as well as holds the large-scale flowered skillful activity outside the official sports event, was precisely the NBA commercialization step sound, moreover the ball met and player's sale copyright, causes NBA to become the nowadays whole world most to have the economic value sports sports event. The NBA meeting symbol is front the Laker great player (incumbent Memphis grizzly bears team general manager) outstanding in · Wester's silhouette.Incumbent president NBA is David
NBA history 1
NBA was as early as tenable in 1946, at that time its name was BAA (Basketball Association of America) the entire American basketball alliance, carried on the first week-long competition officially in 1946 November 1, at that time participated the team to altogether have a ten row, divided two contest areas to play a match. 1949 year BAA and NBL(National Basketball League)
The American basketball alliance merge, will become in the future the NBA embryonic form, BAA chooses six teams from NBL, the composition had ten seven teams to participate in the alliance sports event, and divided into three contest areas to play a match.But because reforms too crosses advances by rushes, creates the partial ball to be able to have the serious deficit to go out of business.Next year, from 1950 to 1951 ball season, six teams will withdraw because of the financial question, but in addition a ten team divided into two areas to continue to play a match.From 1955 to 1961 period, NBA enters the ebb tide time, respectfully u 0662 is left over eight rows teams to contend the trophy, until enters for six ten ages, NBA has a favorable turn along with the American economic resurgence, in under each place State authority's support, many cities organizes the team to participate in the NBA league tournament.
The best draft?1996
First Round
1. Philadelphia
Allen Iverson
2. Toronto
Marcus Camby
3. Vancouver
Shareef Abdur-Rahim
4. Milwaukee (a)
Stephon Marbury
Georgia Tech
5. Minnesota (a)
Ray Allen
6. Boston (from Dallas)
Antoine Walker
7. LA Clippers
Lorenzen Wright
8. New Jersey
Kerry Kittles
9. Dallas (from Boston)
Samaki Walker
10. Indiana (from Denver)
Erick Dampier
Mississippi State
11. Golden State
Todd Fuller
North Carolina State
12. Cleveland (from Wash.)
Vitaly Potapenko
Wright State
13. Charlotte
Kobe Bryant
Lower Merion HS
14. Sacramento
Predrag Stojakovic
PAOK (Greece)
15. Phoenix
Steve Nash
Santa Clara
16. Charlotte (from Miami)
Tony Delk
17. Portland
Jermaine O'Neal
Eau Claire HS
18. New York (from Detroit)
John Wallace
19. New York (from Atlanta)
Walter McCarty
20. Cleveland
Zydrunas Ilgauskas
21. New York
Dontae Jones
Mississippi State
22. Vancouver (from Houston)
Roy Rogers
23. Denver (from Indiana)
Efthimis Rentzias
24. LA Lakers
Derek Fisher
Arkansas-Little Rock
25. Utah (b)
Martin Muursepp
BC Kalev Tallinn
26. Detroit (from San Antonio)
Jerome Williams
27. Orlando
Brian Evans
28. Atlanta (from Seattle)
Priest Lauderdale
Peristeri (Greece)
29. Chicago
Travis Knight
All is the starter and All star player in the NBA. horrible.!!
The Laker history
Many team already names actually all are the respective already city characteristic,Environment. The unique custom changed the lake person team famous metropolis not to be exceptional is early in 1948. The lake people already were NBA the predecessor BBA basketball alliance appear at that time were Minnesota state already Minny Asian wave Reese establish a team entire name to call:Minneapolis Lakers.
Why is it call Laker?
Actually is because for the state enters the surface to have many lakes, also is called [state of the lake] therefore high-level on took team by the lake people afterwards the lake people high-level the main floor from the Minny Asia Pori to Los Angeles.
The Laker have 60 years old from BBA.
The NBA nowadays
Many people think that the NBA nowadays is no longer interesting and exciting.
Some gugs said that it is because Micheal Jardon is retired. The God of basketball is retired.
However , it is really the truth? I also can see some fantastic guy like Kobe , Jame, AI, etc.
They are all great player. Their abilty is great, their skill is good. I love them. Nevertheless, NBA nowadays really changed a lot. The main change is that it is business oriented. Some people may claim that it is the same in the past. But the fact is that it is more about business because it is the business world. No matter how, I love NBA.
NBA live 2008
This is a good game for PC. However, in my point of view, the PS3 verison is better than that, no doubt about that. For me the best part of this game is the dy mode(may be many people think that) you can use your favouite team to try to get the champion and make a 25 tear mode. This is wonderful. You can train your player employ staff. You prepare all the thing in a team. Make a difference in the rreal life.
In fact, the players have their own Destiny.(is a number)
The smaller the number the greater the potential of the player.
here is some reference.
Destiny=11、G..Oden Portland
2、K.Durant Seattle
A.Horford Atlanta
A.Law Atlanta
J.Noah Chicago
R.stuckey Detroit
A.Thornton La Clippers
M.Conley Memphis
Y.Jianlian Milwaukee
C.Brewer Minnesota
T.Young Philadelphia
N.Young Washington
Gel Ballet Pointe ShoeToe Pads
Dancing Adult Ballet
Ballet is one of the most elegant dance in many girl's eyes. Also, ballet dancer always show artistic temperament.
Even so, someone may think that ballet is a kind of old fashion dancing and it is a bit disconnect with the living today. In social view, ballet may be suitable for little girls only. Moreover, people may think that it is quite strange for adult to learn ballet or it is too difficult for adult to do ballet.
In my point of view, ballet is not only for little girl! Actually, Adult Ballet should be promoted as it can be an interest, sports and it can also make people healthy. In the society, people work under pressure and have a busy live without having any relex or exercises. However, when you are dancing ballet, you can listen to some lovely,soft music and join yourself into the music, into ballet, into the class. After that, you can put down your stress for while, let yourselves to relex and also reduce pressure.
Also, if you keep on dancing ballet, you can have regular exercises. Moreover, it help you to do some streching and elongating your musle. For example, if you have the problem of painful back, it helps you to reduce pain as it can strengthen your muscle.
On the other hand, learning ballet is a good idea for you if want to keep fit. It is beacuse you can lose weight as you keep join the ballet class. Someone may afraid that too muscles are strengthened and make the legs look fat. In fact, it is not true, ballet takes bodyshape seiously that's why it always required learner to do more streching. As a result, ballet dancer can have a slim body with the most suitable ratio of fat and muscle.
Nowaday, adult ballet is actually quite common in many countries. Futhermore, ballet may combine with pilates which can ballet learner to have a more balanced muscle between left and right side of the body. The muscle in two side is not balanced is one of the reason why people have he probem of backache and unbalanced body.
I am a ballet learner myself and of course I am not a little girl. I love ballet and experience the advantages of ballet. That's why I hope people to know how good ballet is.
by Chloe